Day 98


Home listening to C-Span: Election race analysis. The careful examination of economic facts on the ground – Trade, Jobs. No one, however, can escape the fact that now eleven women have come forward to give detailed accounts of Trump invading their personal space with sexual overtures – direct kisses to the mouth, hands going up inside their skirts

He is the shadow figure. Initially he appears among the public branches. A figure of charismatic power, alluring, promising light and future dividends. In reality he is the constant lurker; once given the opportunity he leaps and grabs. A person of shameless appetites and apparently no real respect. The dark Lurker in an orange mask. A buffoon, dangerous. A nasty squalor to the touch – a prowling Landlord whose first impulse is to evict. He is the prowler in the forest. He is not our friend, ever. 

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